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 more about coach yana

I am a 2010, 2011 and 2014 graduate from Barry University with a bachelor’s degree in business with a minor in finance, and a master’s degree in business and public administration. I have a strong passion to educate and inspire young adults, professionals, entrepreneurs and people of all ages and walks of life. My Misson is to help them develop a stronger understanding of basic financial concepts; that way, they can understand and manage money better! My personal journey to educate and assist you in reaching your financial goals began in 2011, my junior year in college. I’ve been helping family and friends with their finances since 2005 without thinking about it. I truly enjoy the happiness it brings, when I’m able to help someone in an area that by the grace of God and discipline, he brought me through.

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I’d be lying if I said the journey was easy! The truth is year 2003 changed my life! I had just lost my job, the apartment was next, found out I was pregnant with my first son, moved in with my partner and his mother; and the only thing that I had left to my name was stolen, which was my car. We left everyone and everything we knew behind and moved to another county to start over. At the age of 23 I had lost it all! It was hard as hell, but it made me stronger. After, I learned to adjust to my environment and still live. I remember getting my first job making minimum wage and barely making enough to do anything with. That taught me sacrifice and discipline. Through this, I learned to prepare the people I would coach in the future not to fail where I failed but to prepare them mentally. I came back from one of my lowest points and the issues of “my” life. Because of this, I’m able to teach my clients from my lessons. No one ever knew where my passion came from. It came from my pain and failures! From my failures, I learned how to help others succeed! You can’t teach anyone from a place you haven’t been! I’m not a successful coach because of my degrees, certifications or any of my major achievements. I’m successful because where I thought I had failed, I learned, and I teach from that place versus allowing it to be my burial ground! All the areas that I thought I failed in; God allowed them so I could coach others from a place that’s REAL!

Since, I have specialized in the delivery of financial, business and investment education that includes seminars and workshops for schools, churches and non-profit organizations. I am the Financial and Business Coach for Bread of Life Christian Academy, Corp. and the Financial, Business and Sports Coach for University Boxing Club, Inc. both, not-for-profits located in Florida. My primary goal is to help people of all ages develop a business, financial, investment or life strategy geared toward their unique, long-term goals. Whether you need help with managing your finances, starting a new business, assistance with an existing business or planning for retirement, I can help. Helping my clients reach success in their goals is what I truly enjoy, and that is why clients choose to work with me. Whether we are face to face or in a web conference appointment, there are a few things that guide our conversation. First, I want to listen and understand what is important to you. Next, we will use our established process to create tailored solutions to help you reach your business, financial, investment, life or sports goals. Finally, we will partner together to make sure you stay on track to meet those goals. I can talk business, finance and investments all day! Let’s Chat